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About Salina Bambic

Welcome. My name is Salina. I’m a Licensed therapist specializing in the treatment of anxiety and self-esteem.

My background is in the healthcare setting with over 10 years of experience in treating adults and young adults with diverse backgrounds struggling with major life transitions, anxiety, stress, depression and self-esteem. My clients have reported my counseling approach to be warm, collaborative and interactive.

In sessions, I provide my clients evidenced based tools, teach them new skill development and strategies so that they can get relief, gain confidence and manage anxiety more effectively. My treatment approach utilizes Cognitive-Behavioral therapy and Compassion Mindfulness-based therapy which have shown to be an effective treatment for management of anxiety. 

At the heart of my practice are core values centered around delivering compassionate care and evidence-based treatment to support you in achieving your most meaningful goals, navigating challenges successfully and improving how you feel.

Taking that first step to getting help can often be the hardest and also the most courageous. Know that you don’t have to do it alone. There is help here. Reach out today. Looking forward to helping you on your journey. Relief is possible!

Let's work together

“Enzo,” the office cat.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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